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Axygen® PCR Strip Tubes

Axygen PCR Tubes and Caps

Centrifugal Filters

Fisherbrandâ„¢ Round Bottom Disposable Borosilicate Glass Tubes with Plain End

Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL

Greiner Bio-One 96-well Sapphire Microplates

Adhesive PCR sealing foil sheets

PCR Plate, 96-well, semi-skirted, flat deck, black lettering

Borosilicate Glass Beaker with Spout, 600 mL

Blue Disposable Oversleeves

Valuetek Polyethylene Shoe Covers

QIAcube HT Plasticware

PowerBead Pro Plates

Reagent Trough (with lid)

Elution Microtubes RS, Racked

TissueLyser Adapter Sets

Plate Adapter Set

Storage block for 96-Well Purification (S-Blocks)

Caps for Elution Microtubes (50x8)

Tape Pads

Buffer EB (Elution Buffer)

RNeasy Micro Kits for RNA Purification

QIAamp DNA Kits for DNA Extraction

DNeasy 96 PowerSoil Pro QIAcube HT Kit

Pierceâ„¢ Protein Concentrators PES, 30K MWCO